"All right everyone, line up alphabetically according to your height."
Casey Stengel

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


sebelum balik cuti,
time puase kt sekolah
gua mmg ttbe jd slim.
nmpk a KURUS sikit.
gua suka a,
happy dol.
trimakasih RAMADAN.

ps; 1st day gua mkn ketupat rendang.
2ps; 2nd day pon lbh kurg.
3ps; 3rd day dh ade opn hse.
4ps; seterusnya pon same pnh dgn opn hse.
5ps; now gua tgh tension berat bdn dh naik
secara menggila tnpa dipaksa.

along: ngah, lu gemuk skrg. penat aku tgk
angah: dh along ingat angah doa ke mlm2 nk gemuk?
along: haha meh along cabar, by nx month kalau kau trn 10kg,
along bg rm100.*sigh
angah: oh kau main cabo ye. gua akan pastikan gua bole trn lebih dr tuu.
gua suka kalau bab2 duit ni. tau a lu skrg kaye an.
along: bgs bgs, nnt org tk confuse lg dah kau along . HAHA
angah: dgn sukahatinye aku menyahut cbrn.

maka secara rasminya gua dh start
mendietkan diri gua pd mlm ini.

Monday, September 6, 2010


tadi ade abg kedai jual baju
propose along kat mama.
budus punye abe tu.
gua layaan je.
nasib baik ramadan,
kalau tak,
dh lame gua campak
abe tu msk longkang.
bgs jugak longkang tgh deras,
hujan plk tu.

gua tahaaaan je long.

p/s along, lu tau an gua helplesshopeless
sikit bende2 mcmni.
2p/s mmg abe tu aku rase nk tunjal kepala, tak tau maluu.
3p/s suare abe tu mcm nk kasi tau
kat satu bangunan tu. membara ni.

sekeras2 hati gua pon,
rupe2nye gua mmg bole
tahan hati gua yg tgh panas tadi.

alhamdulillaaahh ;)

Sunday, September 5, 2010


gua tabole tahan la
kalau flu menjenguk
menziarahi gua
tiap2 bulan.
pergilah kauu,
wahai fluuuuuu!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Align Center
help me to stop my tears
from falling AGAIN,
and yes,

may ble blessed by ALLAH;)

when ALLAH took him yesterday;(

yes people wud just shock and all.
shut n silent.
i was in the car when i got
a message from my kawan
said that ustaz was gone.ALREADY.

its so fast that the lamborghini still
couldnt beat.

he is ahmad akhtar.
a practical teacher from utm.
supposed to be in stf fr 2 months
and yes, hes not here anymore.
not even in the same world.

people surely will miss ur voice,
ur act and all,
since every nite ustaz yg lead
every zuhur pon ustaz join kdg2 jd imam.
and nobody expected to get this sad news.

together we believe and pray for him,
let him be fine there.
we just have to remember,
ALLAH loves him more more more,
more than ALLAH loves us.

so that,