hello guys.
hai hai hai.
aku tak tauu nk start dr mane.
i was like, ntahhhhhh.
speechless. ahh sume ada.
when i sampai je rumahh,
mcm biase a,
k amel dh sindir sindir.
ntah a, maybe dia still bengang.
n dgn kaki yg dengkot dengkot sakit ni.
surelaa dipandang lain mcm an.
last week, ayah ade bgtauu,
that he would not give permission to
get involved lagi dgn kadet laut.
ye laa, dh start sakit sana sakit sini.
tauu laa, mmg kene tough.
but kaki mmg urat bengkak.
urat ade problem.
tisu koyak.
ntah ape la lagi si tukang urut tu bebel.
tabole mkn kicap, and it will affect kat
buah pinggang.
tabole minum ais, then it will affect tulang.
tapi tak minum ais ponn.letak ais kat kaki
ade a kann.hmm ntah.
ayah wont sign surat tu maybe,
negative respond je before ni.
ahahahahaha now ni, setakat gelak je bole
tenangkan hati.
ahah. ayah said that after CNY tabole get involved
langsung ngan pkbm laut.
sedih tu ade. sbb dh 50% lalui bnda ni.
lega ade kot, sbb maybe nanti ayah dh tk sindir,
along pon will stop, maybe.
mama wont say anything la.
but mmg mama fully support whatever abah kata apa.
ahah i got lungs prob.
baru tauu last year.
n kalau pergi medical checkup
ngan KDSI maybe tak lepas.
i got asthma too. =.='
and now, ayah yg tentukan everything.
and major percent will go beside him la kan.
so, i wont say anything,
bukan dh give up,
but cuma penat sikit.
surrounding punya pandangan yg
pelik gilaa. wardens, teachers,
n sape sape je lahh.
hey guys, sorry haa. but i'll try.
insyaallah. do pray for my health :)
thanks yaww.
assalamualaikum :D